- dozen eggs
- 2 can of collard greens
- 2 can of corn
- 2 croissants
- celery
- instant oats
- Wheat bran
- peanuts
- pinto beans
- cherries
- blueberries
- shredded pork
- Shredded pork taco
- pizza
- applesauce
- go yogurt
- mac and cheese
- 5lb halo
- 3lb oranges
Crazy savings, projects and loads of fun for Everyone.
Not only that you have a complete swatch of all your colors as well and keep track of what needs to be replace. You can find this tool and many more over here on Coloring Bliss
Here is a Great Youtube video from Saving with Christina on how to get started with Ibotta from 4 years ago. It explains every step to download Ibotta,
I am not sure links work on her video though here is me referral link that helps my family out.
Just click here Ibotta or use the referral code XHIAGMT
The other part of this trail is called Penny Lane. It is a little bit rough, so if you are not good on your feet make sure to have good shoes and a good walking stick.
During summer bathrooms are open in the picnic area of the paved path.
One of our walking companions is our dog, Minion, who loves running the trails.
The only trouble is he may pass you buy running at full steam. Occasionally you may want to take heed of this furball speeding by cause you never know what is chasing him. (Once he flew passed us and when we looked to see what it was, we ended up running...there was a mean old wild turkey coming full steam at us and wasn't planning to stop and chat.)
I also have proof in the picture above he is running from some bird that popped out weeds and started chasing him.
Along the way scenes that can be seen is trees dancing in stark contrast to the reflection of the river. Light which is glittering and sparkling around your feet.Smell of a refresh crisp cool winter day.
Your eyes travel along the path watching it disappear, anticipation can be felt building as your travel deeper and deeper into the wooded area.
All the while you wonder if your going to be meeting up with these beautiful creatures and thanking the Lord that it is winter and you won't meet up with rattlers.
This is what our weekly grocery trip was. Today was a treat day, so some of the items isn't what we normally buy. I have included a pdf printable of our trip for Ibotta which you can print out and use, just delete what items you don't want.
Spent: $63.69Saved: $24.70
Total Out of Pocket: $38.99
Breakdown of Rewards:
My Points: $.15
Fetch: $.48
Ibotta $24.07
Printable Ibotta-January 10