Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Road Trip part 2

  We have landed in Canada, Monday night it has been crazy to get here though we knew when we got across the border, We weren't in the states. First we had to figure out our speed limit...OMG you have to use Km/h.
Second of all when we crossed we landed smack dab in the middle of construction and was swallowed up by fog so thick we missed our exit sign not once, on no that would be to easy. We missed it twice and let me tell you once we figure it out and stopped at the gas station. Picture above is the sign 4l milk for $5.99..hmm now we have to figure out liters again. OH boy this is going to be fun. :)  We even had to find a mechanic for the truck, you see of all alarms and lights went off 19hrs before we hit Canada and on Sunday (nothing is open that day, not even Walmarts.)Well after all said done we are enjoying it now.  As of right now it is pouring down rain and k and I are stuck sitting in a Mcdonald's parking lot, eating ice cream and playing on the internet.

 Here k is getting her Grandpa involved in playing ball. Great improvement, one of the reason we came up...4wks he had a stroke and seems to be getting on the rebound. He has been staying at the hospital and they did let him come home for 2 days to spend time with his only granddaughter.
K got to meet her only cousin on her daddy's side for first time and they kicked it off great. Let me tell you he is sure spoiling the dickens out of k and she is just thriving on it. I don't have to worry about her here and it is really nice having a someone to watch out for her. I do wish he was closer to home though :)
 k's grandma and her enjoying blowing bubbles and catching them. I am enjoying watching her just thrive on getting to know everyone.
Last night she told everyone she was off to bed...we found her this way and if you look in the back behind her you will see her favorite bunny sprawled out just like her. I am so thankful she is having the time of her life. Well I must be off I have to drive 10 min to use internet, so not fun on that part and yep I am definitely out in the boonies. More to come.......