Tuesday, December 1, 2020

When Life Crashes

I am showing this to all of you not to discourage though to encourage you or maybe just to encourage myself. My planner/journal shows exactly what my brain felt scrambled, lost, confused. etc.  

Alright I admit this whole year been this way for me.  I think I got myself squared a way then WHAM!  This past month I don't even know what happened there for me it is like I went from the 1st to last and it was over.  Yes, I have a lot of post it notes to put into this planner though absolutely not one has been done and I can't for the life of me give myself a good answer to why. 

What I did learn from all of this is I absolutely can not have that happen again. For starters I not only forgot things that was important like prayer time, appointments, reviews. Though I forgot just simple mundane items like when I washed the floor last, did I put gas in my car, or what book my daughter was reading it got me in the mind set of not caring about things. 

This thought and seeing it here in black and white scared me more then anything.  I know God is is control and gives us that peace though lets face it WE ARE HUMAN and things are going to happen to scramble us up, losing focus of what is important. Providing we realize this and we readjust our focus on God and for me that means writing things down it will not only keep us grounded though give that peace and stability that we all crave amidst the chaos around us. 

So if you have blank pages or half done ones don't be discourage just pick up where you left off and keep going things will fall back together. There will be order to the chaos it may not be extravagant though a simple calm is better then none at all.