We have been in full renovations here for the past few weeks as you can see one of the reasons for this renovation was to get k a school/craft room and for me a guest room. This turned into a snowball effect for us. In order for us to accomplish this we had to fix the stairs and work our way up to the room that was upstairs. Here is a peek into what my entire family has been busting our chops trying to get mostly done before my mother-in-law fly's in on the 4/30.
1st it was the stairwell...carpet needed to be yanked up it was horrible and then that entire wall needed to be rebuilt it was a wobblier and not able to use.

Now this is what it looks like afterwards I didn't take a picture yet though the shelving is painted and a rail is up. Though I tell you I am so excited to finish that shelving unit up, yes I did get a plug installed above the door reason so I can plug in a phone and not have it drape down and two great to plug in lights around the unit.

Now moving up the stairs to the upstairs room. Upon entering this room and on your right we took one half wall and blew it out and had custom shelves and drawers built in it. Which Double the storage, Whoo hoo!!!
This shelf can fit 16 of those totes with the pink tags and 8 of the totes with the orange tags. and on the bottom is 3 large drawers. I still got to get more totes since I bought all Walmart had on shelf. This unit was painted light purple and the wall above it a cream color.
Now in the first picture is the peg board which we left this is on the wall it would face straight in front of you as you come up the stairs. We painted it a bright orange and trimmed out with dark blue...as you can see this is still a work in progress. If you look at the bottom of the peg board I bought a peg board unit with cubby drawers in it and then lining the top of the counter is the metal buckets that I found at the $store. I am still tweaking this part though goodness it has come a long ways and right now we can use it.
Now look under the peg board we installed a 4ft counter top and holding it is 2 filing cabinets with 3 drawers in it...more storage. and then to the left of the counter top is another desk...this will eventually be set up with my sewing machine and items sorry nothing on that wall yet. Moving more to the left you will then find a twin size bed and under it drawers for more storage. As you can also see one of my fur babies found a great spot to snuggle in.
Now as you leave the room you will find on your right a large tower unit and our attic door access panel. Working on that area..we also have another area on the left side of the door. Not sure I want to show much of that it is still kind of a mess and once cleaned up will have a book shelf in it.
I will be nice to show you a little bit of that though I will hide most of the mess that is not sorted.
Well this is where I have disappeared too lately and I should be showing up more online now that most of this is done. Hmm maybe should give a little bit of grace there it maybe another 2 weeks before I am really in full swing and keeping up on the deals for you.