Thursday, January 1, 2015

How do I save on Dairy Items? Milk

How do I save on Dairy items? 

Milk-my family has learned when milk shows up don't ask, appreciate and savory every moment you have with your glass.  Why, you ask milk in my fridge isn't just a gal of milk pulled off the shelf all the time.

It is far few between when I am going to plop down almost $4 for a gal of milk even when my family loves price for milk is $1.99 for one gal of milk and around here that is when King Sooper or Safeway puts it on sale and you can price match it. When it hits the sale I normally will buy 4 gals ea sale and then stick them in the freezer.

What about when they aren't on Sale?

Tip 1# Powder Milk
this is a staple in my pantry, it is great for baking and for stretching that gal of milk in your fridge. 

  • Stretching the gal in the fridge (my daughter calls it the milk fairy it shows up overnight here)
    • I will buy a quart jug of milk, many times these are marked down and I can snag it for less then $1.  
    • I will then take it and pour it in my gal jug and then ad my powder milk do this the night before and believe me they will never know the difference. 
      • Powder milk
        • 1c of water to 3 T of powder milk
      • 8 cups=1/2gal
Tip 2# Use other milk
I have about 4 different types of milk in my pantry-soy, almond, coconut and evaporated. 

  • Most of these are the quart size except evaporated that is in a can.
  • I will get the quart size for a $1 or less and the can for about $.50 or less
    • Sept-Jan you find coupons for evaporated milk and they go on sale quit a bit
  • I use these mostly for smoothies and baking.