Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Adventures in renovation have begun, again.


  Who would of thunk!! I have come to the conclusion that this beauty would be coming home whether we were ready for renovation or not in our bathroom. I fell in love with it and goodness the price $400 for this kit just tear the box off and plop in it even has the granite counter top and oak cabinet, LOVE IT. 
Only one issue a lot has to happen this year beside a bucket load of prayers in order for this project to kick off.  We are at the point of a snowball effect has to happen and that ball has started. 

Here is a little sneak peak into what we are up against and mind you most of this needs to be done before mother-in-law comes to visit in May. 
First on the list room upstairs though we couldn't use it because of our stairwell it was to steep plus don't mention having to duck either way going up and down because of ceiling.  So we hit the stairwell first. Right after Christmas, I grabbed my trusty orange bucket and pliers and started ripping the carpet off  and twice that little bugger gave me a war and yes twice I went tumbling backwards down the stairs, crashing into the china cabinet.  One of the times when I went laying up against the cabinet, collecting my wits. My little stinker all she could do was giggle and say that is very tough dishes, mom, they rattle, clanked and made all noise though nothing got broke just like you.   I tell you though it did take a few days to regroup myself, but I love the new look now and no more vacuuming stairs. We even got the wall gutted and rebuilt and now we can move on up into the upstairs room and make into a guest/craft/school room. Here is picture of before and after on the stairwell. 

After the room upstairs, we still have to finish siding what is left on East side of our house, plus put in a new window and then finish pantry. Then move out to the garage and hopefully side one side of it, install new window and electrify it. This is a must in order for us to get the freezers out of our cellar before new plumbing is installed. Like I said this is a snowball effect though one we are stoked over because it shows us we are getting close to the tail end of the big renovation jobs to do.