Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Family Adventure-Our Flood

I haven't been posting and this is the reason why.  Yes my city in NE CO is flooded. At this point the town itself is not flooded though it is getting harder and harder to find roads to get out of the city or in the city.  It is such an eerie feeling looking around we have a No Flush order which there is portable potties popping all over and then seeing all the sandbags everywhere and just waiting and praying to see if the power stays on.  Trying to go on as normal as possible is almost impossible, you are going millions of directions just to try and stay one step ahead of all of this.  I have been asked so many times How are you doing? What do I say?

My answer I am great and we are alive.

My true feelings on this I am grumpy, bone tired and hurt like crazy from staying vigilant in making sure a cellar don't flood, the water don't come across a culvert, etc.
My garage is a makeshift bathroom and shower and dang you freeze your ass off because it is now getting cooler in the evenings or if you are out an about make a beeline to the portable potty, stand in line doing the pee pee dance as you wait for your turn.
My hands and shoulders hurt from doing laundry, How in the world did the pioneers actually do this without a washer.
My house looks like a empty, upside down, crazy disorganize mess and yes it is driving me crazy... here is our grocery store, most of the personal belongs have been moved upstairs (pictures, movies, small furniture, etc.)

This is our emergency table now-water, tub to do dishes, bucket of disinfectant wipes, paper product station.  Yes in the background is another area of the store

 This is my kitchen coolers ready to fill if need be, buckets of water every where just in case power goes off. At least the sink is cleaned.

Watch for more post on our Family adventure.......