Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Family Adventure-Where have I gone?

  A lot has happened in our house since last Wednesday and right now I am working on trying to sort through everything and one item that is lacking is me posting it will take me about a week to get everything sorted and back on track.  So I do apologize though posting is going to be limited for a while until I can get things back on schedule.

Last Wednesday we had a family crisis which left me with a very chaotic home since I had to help deal with that. My entire house exploded between the events, holidays and renovations and I am way behind trying to get everything back to normal. I still have drywall, mudding, painting and two closets to finish emptying out. Then throw in canning, swimming lessons, k's summer activities. Oh yes it is crazy though in another few days it will start to settle down a little.  I am counting down days until we are back on our normal schedule this one is too crazy and hard to keep up with.  Just keep us in your prayers as we try to put order back in this house and continue dealing with the issues that has happened. Thank you for being loyal readers.