The Bible Road Trip curriculum by Danika Cooley is
an exciting journey which places you and your children in the driver’s
seat. Aimed at youth grades 1-12, Bible Road Trip will allow your family
to survey the Bible cover-to-cover in 3 years ~ with breaks for summer.
There are notebook pages available for the Lower Grammar (Grades 1-3),
Upper Grammar (Grades 4-6) and Dialectic (Grades 7-9) levels. Students
at the Rhetoric level (Grades 10-12) will keep their own notebooks and
be busy sharing their information with others!
Year One, Weeks One – Eleven: The Books of the Law
Year One, Weeks Twelve – Thirty-Two: The Books of History
Danika will be posting lessons from Year two (The Books of Poetry) later in July, with new additions weekly.
Click here to go to The Bible Road Trip website!