Saturday, June 22, 2013

Organzie your hard drive

I have been asked by a lot of people How in the world Do I organize everything? So I thought I share my secrets. The first item I will tackle is my hard drive...Oh I do hate a messy hard drive and if you are like me and is squirreling away the free educational material it may look this...
A mumble jumble mess found in your documents or download file. So the first folder I created was a Homeschool folder. Then inside that homeschool folder is sub-folders example books, audios, magazines, prek, k etc. This is houses everything to do with education and everything has a place to land .  Now that is looking a lot better, I do have to say.

I have to admit you can stop right there, BUT that isn't me oh no. I don't want to clutter my drive up so what I did was bought a flash drive for each of my main subjects, transferred it over then was able to delete off the drive. By the way Amazon Cloud is a great way to back up your drive, so you can have the peace of mind of deleting it off your hard drive.
Now onto my flash drive, my first one is for audio, magazines and e-books (this drive houses all of those items found on my hard drive)
Here is a shot of what my flash drive looks like and in White out marker is the word Audio written on top. It doesn't keep music files just anything educational.

The next Flash drive I have is Education: this houses all the curriculum, planners etc. It is broken down into grade levels, templates, planners, etc. It looks like this

ED is written on the top of this flash drive.  I know this may seem to be the extreme though I found it works great. Once I have everything squirreled away on my flash drives, you are probably wondering How do I keep track of them.  I actually have stuck them on the side of my printer with velcro dots.  I was putting them up when I ran out of dots actually I lost them. But this will give you an idea of where they are squirreled at.

Now the cool thing is IF we ever need to evacuate or head to a shelter I can grab my drives and run and all of my important stuff is there. I have found lots of room around the printer to stick these and to grow if need to be.