A trip to Walmart more less turned into a crisis mode for mom and 5yr old. Yes this was my daughter and I today. As I am checking out and of course I have coupons, my 5yr old gal pipes up Mom I got to go Potty. I informed her she will have to hold until I finish and of all things the cash register locks up and manager is called. So as of right now my daughter is dancing around the cart, on a bench, off a bench, and every which way. This entire time I am thinking alright if they have more problems just drop and run, though if it goes through how am I going to take her to the bathroom. I can't leave a cart unattended with all the groceries paid for and I can't just let a 5yr old walk into a public bathroom by herself. So as I am trying to figure out what to do and everything cleared through the register and we took off in a full blown run to the bathroom and then it hits me a LIGHT BULB idea.
As we are literally running to the bathroom, I tell k I will watch you go into the bathroom and into the stall. When you get in there you count to ten and then yell I am ok. Great plan Right.....
Well a few seconds later I hear her yell...Mom I ok I got the toilet paper. Next few seconds....Mom I am ok toilet flushing. Few seconds later....Mom I ok I got my pants up. Few seconds later....MOM I not ok I can't reach soap. Alright by now I have the attention of the majority of the store which is by now laughing hysterically over this whole deal. Then we hear....Mom it ok Lady helped me with soap, I got towel and I am coming out. As my little gal comes out everyone around that bathroom was laughing and the look on her face like, What did I do written all over it was just to darn priceless.
I am not sure who was more embarrassed me with my brainy ideas or her with her pure innocence of all of it. At least I do know that I did have a few moms tell me they was taking note cause they thought it was a really good idea even though everyone could hear what was going on. My only recourse on this whole ordeal was to take a bow for our performance as we head out the door with all of our groceries and a happy 5yr old.