Friday, April 5, 2013

Sunmart spent $33.05, Saved $17.80

I did two quick stops the other day
Spent $9.90, Saved $15.25
1-220 ct gummie vitamins
1-box of life cereal

This trip I  5% off  of everything was informed it was because I brought my own bags.

1-gal milk $3.18 -.16=$3.02

 **I had to swallow it on this one, since I normally only pay $2 or less for it***

14 mccormick gravy $.99-$.05=$.94
used 7-$.55/2 mccormick (st db to $1)
=$.44ea WYB 2

3-betty crocker icing $1.67-$.08=$1.59
used 3-$1 bc icing

1-nesquik $4.44-$.22=$4.22
used $.50 nesquik (st db to $1)

8-better oats $1-$.05=$.95
used 4-$1/2 better oats
=$.90 WYB 2

1-bag of grapes $1.87-$.10-$1.77

1-bag of bananas $2.29-$.12=$2.17

1-rotassire chicken $3.99-$.20=$3.79

2-orange juice $1.65-$.08=$1.57
used 2-$.80 orange juice (st db to $1)

tax $1.91

Spent $33.05
Saved $17.80