Saturday, April 13, 2013

Jumping in Puddles for the Glory of God!

 I do have to say I sure love gorgeous days on this particular day we were blessed with having Big puddles in our yard. So What did I tell k, of course I told her we were going puddle jumping. So as we are puddle jumping we were singing.  We have this song that says If you are happy and you know it which is a classic though their is one part that says if your happy and you know it wave your arms in the air and jump around like you don't care.  I am sure we were quit a sight Jumping around and singing that song. It is days like this that I love teaching k about the wonderful creation of God and How much you can enjoy it. It isn't the big things in the life that always count it is the tiniest little miracle that counts and the joy that it brings. No fancy stuff just a simple ordinary item.

 I feel so many times that we push our kids to exceed or grow up to fast. Right now our time is precious with them for as the country turns away from God. They need that stable foundation to keep their common sense and the stability of God.  Watching my little k sing at the top of her lungs, laughing and saying isn't God Awesome is a song to my heart and that I am on the right track even when I feel like a failure and in that moment I am with her on top of the world not having a care in the world what is happening around us.  My pray is that I still take that time to jump in the puddles even when I am scared senseless of what may happen. I am so thankful for God and that he will always be there to jump right into that puddle with me. Are you a puddle jumper or just passing it by.....

“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”(John 14:26, NIV)