Here is what You need to do for this project...a trip to the Dollar store, thrifty store, or a yard sale for starters and then a trip around your house. :)
I had a lot of items to do this project laying around the house.
Free items-cork board squares, ribbons, beads, hot glue, envelopes.
Items that I picked up from $store-foam board and Dark Brown mens pair of dress socks.
(yes you heard me correctly SOCKS)
1. First figure out your size that you wanted...for me I wanted to use two square cork boards laid one above the other and then cut your foam board to fit your cork board. Make sure you have your cork board on top and foam board in back.
2. Wrap your fabric around the board, gluing and folding the edges down as you go.
3. Once fabric is around the board, cut your socks in half so you have four pieces (sorry forget that picture.
Here is where I had an issue my big glue gun ran out of glue, so I ran upstairs for more glue. What I found was little sticks of glue for a little gun and no sticks for a big gun. So I looked for the little gun and only thing I found was the big gun and no little gun. So I tossed everything into a bag drove 2mi to my mom's house just so I can finish this project.So on this step 4 you have to forgive me I forgot to take a picture.
4.Then stretch one sock along the edge it will curl giving it a frame look.
5. Lay out your envelopes, Here the top one the flap is cut off though the ones below I left the flap on it and cut a slit in the side of it.
6.Then glue your envelope to your board, be careful not to glue it together where you can't use it.
TIP-use a pair of scissors and gently insert into the pocket moving it back and forth until the glue is set.7.Then cut a piece of ribbon the length of you envelope and glue on the edges, again insert the scissors and slide over to edge, gentle expanding your envelope. What happens is the ribbon then will fold slightly under the envelope.
8. If you want glue a decorative in the middle of it.
9. Below is what mine looks like after it is done.
10. Then hang it up where you want it.
Here is a closer shot of it Hanging on the wall doesn't this look awesome and expensive ;) Best part it turns a small wall space into a useful space now.