Friday, December 14, 2012
A couponers NIGHTMARE
I have to confess and maybe give a lot of you a piece of mind. I have the Worst Couponer Nightmare right now in my house. The last few weeks has been Crazy since Thanksgiving. I really think it started Thanksgiving Week and I have just not Caught up. We had our first Thanksgiving here at my house so my dd and I were cleaning, baking, etc. for that and coupons ended up in a piles through out the house and it continued. Can you believe we ended up Deep cleaning the entire house just last weekend. Oh yes, you see my lovely little gal lost her glasses after 9:30pm on Thursday night. So When I was cleaning I just had a bucket and started to collect my coupons (I literally had coupons from one end of the house to the other). I needed to clean for her b-day party though I wasn't planning on deep cleaning and what do I mean by Deep Cleaning. I was literally De-cluttering, re-organizing and re-sorting EVERYTHING. Might as well since I was looking for glasses, BUT I didn't touch the coupons instead I just Dumped my bucket and continued on. Oh boy look at the result of that.....
WHAT A NIGHTMARE...I just took a little picture of this mess, the desk is even buried in coupons along with the floor. So if you are wondering where I went today.... Yep working on organizing this MESS. I love a long narrow room, works great for sorting inserts :) Well now that I unload my secret I better keep going before I loose my motivation. :) Not sure how I was able to shop, Hopefully getting this order will help with the rest of my Shopping this week. :)