Friday, September 28, 2012

Welcome to My World-chaos

   Well the last 3 months have been the most chaotic they have ever been here in our household.   I will admit I know that this blog did take a hit from it though I do thank all my readers for hanging in there with me and I promise I am working on getting things rolling again.  Well you are probably wondering What in the world is going on? WELL....this whole craziness started after memorial day and just doubled the insanity.  I was trying to save some money, OH YEA easy, HA HA...I started the process of refinancing our home and Oh my did things just get insane. We ended up in a major scramble mode trying to put in windows, finish painting, start getting landscaping done, get the interior close to be done, etc. We thought awesome everything on schedule the first week of September. So the plan was to get a clothesline in, move a fence and then paint two rooms and start building two corner units and then have k's classroom set up, when WHAM our insurance decided to through us a curve ball and informed us that they would be dropping us, which again delayed the refinancing of our home. 
   We were told that our home was in poor condition so they will no longer cover us. Talk about a lot of time on the phone, dragging k around, etc to convince insurances that this wasn't true. I just got done finding a new insurance and getting it set up. On top and in the whole mess of  things we have had two medical issues, 2 dental and  2 vision issues-broken tooth, broken glasses, etc.  (so not cool, Thank the Lord they are fixed). The only snag we hit with this whole mess is our finances  which took a major Blow and the renovations went on hold.  Which is why I have been so thankful for our stockpile it has been a major help and I have been able to use 95% of our income to cover the crisis instead of trying to come up with groceries etc. Besides that if you hadn't notice we have homeschooling in the midst. So this went on the backburner in my house the last few months as we tried to do damage control. Well there you have it what hit here and Thank you, thank you for sticking with us through all this as our loyal reader.....