Friday, June 1, 2012

Welcome to my world-Total Chaos hit

  I have a serious issue and it sure isn't my shingle mess. Oh no no it is actually my office and I wonder why I can't focus on finding the deals or getting ads done.  As you can see my office went into a major uproar this week. It has even wormed its way into my e-mails, what a nightmare. I am not an organize freak though I do love order and this sure isn't it.  This is a horrible mess right now and honestly until I get it cleared off I will totally go insane doing any work.  So I do apologize until I can get a handle on this entire mess posting will be a little bit slow though I need to catch up not only on my coupons, bills, surveys, and reviews though as you can see put order back into this office, BIG TIME. As soon as I get a handle on this we will be flying on here shooting out the deals for you. Thanks for being loyal readers!! :)