Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Saving Money-Receipts watch for lost money

One of the things I have mentioned and have not gone into detail is Watch Your Receipts. Here is some reason why I am giving you this piece of tidbit. 
First What to watch for: 
Prices: What are you charged?
  • Are you charged the Sale Price?
  • Are you charged the Price marked on the item?
  • Are you charged the Price that was marked on the shelf.
    • When in doubt double check it, take a picture of it or better yet have a list.
  • Are you charge the correct amount?
  • Are you charge the correct number of coupons?
  • Did you have any other types of deals-stickers for $1 off on products, catalina's, etc.
 How to Keep Track:
A Checklist:
  • Just a Piece of Paper-Write down Store, How many items, Item description, Amount, Coupons & how many, Total

    • Tip-When I post deals online for a store I normally write it down in a notebook/loose leaf paper in my store binder; I have one notebook for each store and attached to is a baggie/envelope (which in the above picture is in the envelope in the folder) to put the coupons in it. Like in the above picture. 
    • This not only saves time but when you are ready to shop, yank out the list grab the coupons and off you go. 
    •  Below is a small sample of How I create my list for the store:


How Many        Items:                         Amount                   Coupons & How many         Total

3                        Nivea                          $3.00 (sale)   $2  (cor)          (3) $3.00                    $1 overage
2            Nabisco 6oz crackers             $2.00/2 (sale)                (1) $1/2                             $3 WYB2

Total Coupons 4
  Amount of Q's $4

So Above is a picture of my will see the item for $3 cross out what this means is when I arrived at the store the price was different then what I found on the ad.  When I check out I can check the receipt vs my list to find any differences from price to coupons.

The reason Why I am stressing this is because of the research that I did the past two months. If I wasn't checking receipts this is what I would of lost in just a month.
Dollar General-$2.40

Gas Station for Gas-$10.10
   I put this note in because we did find a difference at the pump traveling....How we checked fill the tank up to 10 gal then take the $ amount posted times the 10gal and you will get the correct amount if different you know you will have issues.

This makes it a Grand Total of $49.50  in my book that is lost money that can be put to better use. So just a note of caution you may want to double check receipts to make sure everything is correct.