Friday, May 11, 2012

Road Trip-Part 1

  So we are finally on the posting will be or not be done (sorry no one to fill void while I am gone) any hoo. So you get to hear about how our road trip is going. Well yesterday was the first day we covered close to 650 miles and went through 3 states-start CO, then NB, and then IA.  Well I was up first for driving and you know what I got stuck with construction all the way through Nebraska. So the picture above was the first thing I got stuck behind for 20mi my hubby and I guessed what was in those bags. Well come to find out he was carrying Rocks, so lovely. That fellow we passed him a good 3 times after that. 

Then I get stuck with this fellow behind me for 15 miles and then he was able to get around us and for the next 100mi I got to follow this guy. So much fun I tell you and quite frankly I was thinking Seriously I am stuck with another fun time of behaving on driving or going slower then normal.

Other Items we came across on our road trip Cool looking bridges this was called frontier passage it is shaped like a fort.
We also started taking Shots of Huge Items we found here was a coffee pot. We did see a dinosaur, airplane, a huge wall mural and other items. 
We also discovered these awesome rest stops which had free internet, some had playgrounds, huge grassy picnic areas. In this shot below we right between the v shape of the tree is a little white top that is a baby owl kind of an awesome discover this was in Council Bluff, IA

Now mind you it wasn't all fun and games for us. We did have some Oh my goodness now what.
1st k decided she needed to put her glasses on the floor board of the car, we didn't find that until daylight and half truck was emptied looking for them.

2nd was at rest stop walking and I broke my sandal straps, so mind you we had to make a detour for sandals for me and lucky for me I found a pair at a Walmart for $3 (reg. 15). Thank You Lord.

3rd was trying to find wireless hooked up until we discovered the rest stops for free net services. 

4th was looking for a hotel in the evening we spent a good deal of 3hrs and also about 1/2 hr on internet looking for a hotel. We were hitting hotels either booked thanks to graduations or high pricey ones. We did land in Williamsburg IA and the poor guy I think to real pity on us cause he gave us the room with a senior discount rate. Another Thank You but really a senior, oh my. So here we are in our hotel room and trying to map out the course we are going to drive today.  Oh what adventures await us.........