Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My world-What happens when mom has migraine?

  What happens when mom has migraine headache?  This weekend hasn't been the best of best weekends I pretty much had a migraine all weekend and it came and go and I would just hibernate in a dark room. Well my family thought it may make me feel better if they did chores, bless their hearts, they seriously did try to do them. 

  The pictures above is where I found them first mopping the floor. I did inquiry why no one was using a mop and the response was we couldn't find the pads for it. Alright my next question is did u empty your bucket or continue using it. k's response it same water mom.  (note to myself will probably need to re mop the floor to get the sticky up). Well then I proceed to ask what else was done and both started rattling off chores. I tell you those two sure where busy little bees though there may need to be mom's fixed up on some of it.

  I did notice there was jelly running down the cabinet found out k fixed herself lunch. The fridge looks like a nuclear bomb hit in there. And I am still scratching my head to figure out how all the mud got all over the washer. My house still smells like burnt food and some areas look like a bomb went through and satellite was messed, hubby don't like technology. Though Hey at least some of the chores are done right and they did try. 

   And at least we survived the weekend-no one starved, got seriously hurt and no major uh oh's happened.  Though I was informed by both that they were glad to see me up and about. k informed me she sure loved to have some Real food-I inquired if the eggs dad made here where real..she said, yeah though they didn't have stuff I liked in them and her chocolate milk tasted like milk. So the food isn't like mom's and technology goes bonker without mom. So hopefully this week will be our normal crazy week and Who knows what can happen. :)