Friday, February 24, 2012

Stockpiling and Freezing-Lemons & Recipes

Lemons-my stockpile price is no more then $1 for 8 lemons. Most of the time a bag is about $1 at Walmart, sometimes I am able to snag more in the clearance basket at Sunmart.

 I normal have these done up 4 ways and then I freeze them. Always wash the entire fruit before proceeding.
  1. sliced in slices-it is easy to throw these slices in a crockpot, stew or drinks.
  2. chunks and ends are used for the garbage disposer-it not only smells good though it does keep the blades sharp.
  3. peels are grated for lemon zest
    • these lemon zest is placed in snack baggies
    • then they are all placed in a larger freezer bag
  1. I also take a few and juice them in a juicer
    • then once juice placed in ice trays and froze like I do the yogurt
    • once frozen bag it and just toss in when you need lemon juice
    • 1-cube=4 tsp of lemon juice, if you need less you can always measure out while pouring in trays.

Lemon Tea
1 c. hot water 
1 regular tea bag
2 slices of lemons
1/2 T of honey or to taste

Lemon Smoothie
 4 cubes of lemon yogurt
 1 lemon slice 
 2 cups of almond milk
Blend and enjoy!