Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Kindle Book-Be stay at home-how I saved $275 first month
Be a Stay At home mom-How I saved $275 My first Month Home
Are you a mom that would like to stay home with your children, or a woman who would love to have a home business? Many women feel this way and I was one of them. After much consideration I decided to quit my job and cut every corner I had to so I could stay at home. This 26 page guide is how I not only saved hundreds of dollars a month, but started my own home business to help supplement my husbands income.
I hope you will get some great ideas from my experiences to spur you on to what your goals are. I firmly believe where there is a will there is a way. You just have to make that way!
Since I quit my job two years ago I have been able to cut my household expenses by $500 per month and I didn't even have daycare to consider. After my first year at home I started my own home business and now am able to supplement the household income extremely well. You can too! It just takes a little work.
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