Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Recipe: Grilled Corn and Lime Dressing


Confession time-The picture is not corn sorry, I think it gotten eaten by the picture monster. 

Grilled Corn and Lime Dressing

4 ears of corn (husked and grilled and then cut from cob)

1 c feta cheese

8 to 9 cherry tomatoes

1c loose fresh loose leaf basil (chopped)

Gently Toss all together


1 lime 

1 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper 

1/4tsp garlic powder

1/3c oil (I used pumpkin oil)

2 T red wine vinegar

In a bowl fresh squeeze the lime, add rest of ingredients, whisk until stir and then toss into salad.