Saturday, May 2, 2020

Our Family-Social Distancing

  This whole Social Distancing thing has gotten me tied up in Knots. WHY-Having one kid and she is not allowed to socialize.

Kind of laughing about the ironic of this whole situation due to the fact that last 6yrs have been told we haven't been socializing her and in fact this time it looks like the government has done exactly that and no rural communities are not exempt from this factor. In fact in our town we have been stripped of everything for a kid to do for the entire summer.

Yes, you heard correctly the ENTIRE Summer my daughter has no camps, no swimming, no park dates, no museum, no fireworks..absolutely nothing to do nor be excited to look forward to do.

What this is doing to her is KILLING her spirit and this mama will not by God's grace see that happen.

Sometimes a good thing is more harmful then it is good and how will this good thing control our lives?