Friday, September 2, 2016

Labor Day Events for Sterling, CO


  Whoo Wee who is ready for a 3 day weekend for most people. I know I am and the activities are just starting to roll in providing you don't have any plans for it.  
 So on that note here is a list of activities for you to do or try out......

  • Home Depot-10-1pm Kids workshop 
  • Overland Trail Museum-Family Fun Day 9am-5pm

I am so Excited about this one and can't wait to try it out (will let you know on that) Any hoo The Simkins Parlor opens that day.  If you don't know what that is Oh my goodness it is an ice cream shop downtown Sterling. How exciting that is I tell you. 

Tuesday 6th-Dairy Queen Free small frappicino