15 Free Educational Sites
ABCya.com: A ton of educational games and activities for grades K-5.
Fun Brain: So much fun stuff that the kids might not even realize you are sneaking some learning in.
Highlights Kids: This is my daughters favorite magazine and site.
National Geographic Kids: The kind of excellent offering you would expect from National Geographic. Videos, games, articles and more all designed to enrich your kids’ minds
PBS Kids: Almost limitless activities from all of your kids’ favorite PBS shows. It’s not just Sesame Street around here. Something for everybody.
NGA Kids: Help introduce your children to art and art history. There are also interactive art projects you can make online.
Random House Kids: Lots of fabulous games and activities based on your favorite Random House books. The games and activities are free, and you can purchase books on their site also.
Seussville: Another website with great games and activites based on books your kids probably already know. You can also purchase books on the site.
Wonderopolis: This website has allowed us to answer questions we didn’t even know we had. “Can one bad apple spoil the whole bunch?” or “Why don’t spiders get caught in their own webs?” This website is lots of fun for curious minds.
The Magic School Bus: Games and activities based on the classic series of Magic School Bus books. There is a great parent/teacher section that can help you develop some more structured activities to keep your kiddo in the learning frame of mind.
Clifford the Big Red Dog: Another great Scholastic website, this time featuring our favorite big red dog, Clifford. Plenty of games and printables to entertain your little ones. Maybe you can answer the question — how DID Clifford grow so big?
Disney Junior: Games and stories and projects all centered around your child's favorite Disney Junior characters. Whether they are playing with Jake and the Neverland Pirates or coloring with Sophia the First, your kids won't even realize that they are learning.
Storyline Online: Presented by the Screen Actors' Guild, Storyline Online features actors reading stories out loud for kids to enjoy. There are dozens of books available.
Inkless Tales: This website was started by one lady who wanted to make a difference world-wide. She brings great educational games, stories, and projects to you for free. Plus you can ask her anything you want and she will find out the answer for you.
ReadWriteThink: Resources for the classroom and professional development, along with materials for parents and afterschool to help support and reinforce your child's learning plan.