Saturday, April 5, 2014

Savings Tip #1 Yard Sales

  It is 6am Saturday morning coffee is going, showered and ready and I have a 6yr old sitting at the table awake, dressed and eating her breakfast. Yes it is true she is not sleeping in, in fact she is giddy with excitement like her mom. Why all the excitement you may ask it is Yard sale day. It is true we are yard sale fanatics.  Yes my daughter uses these rules as well and it shows. 
Here is our 6 simple rules that I have learned to keep junk out of our home and curb that thrill that happens at the yard sales.

Rule 1 You must love it, not just like it but love it.
    Reason if you don't truly love it you can't enjoy it and it will just be a thorn in your side.

Rule 2 You must be able to use it.

Rule 3 Think outside the box not everything needs to be used for what it was intended for.

Rule 4 Be patience you may not always find what you want and sometimes you wait long enough you will find it.

Rule 5 If it is electronic or uses batteries make sure it works before you leave.  

Rule 6 If you feel the price is to high ask for a lower one don't be shy of bartering if they really want to get rid of it they will work with you.

Alright now that you have heard our rules I will show you some of our yard sale finds.  The above picture is a dinosaur anatomic that my girl found. The purpose she uses it for her schooling and I have also noticed that she will get it out just to studied it and spend hours on it that is one loved dinosaur.

Another item that is one of my treasures is my China set is actually 4 sets that I found at yard sales and they are almost identical. This is story in itself and believe me makes a great dinner time entertainment. My first set was bought 10yrs ago in Canada at a yard sale this included 4 bowls, 4 cups, 8 plates, 4 small plates. Then 6 mo later in Canada I found a sugar bowl, butter dish and gravy bowl. Fast forward to today my grandmother found a medium size plate and then just recently I found 8 plates, 2 cups, sugar bowl and a serving platter.  I have only paid $30 for my entire china set and there is just a slight difference though you have to look closely at it.

 Other finds that I have found was a brand new set of pans worth about $120 which I paid $30 for.  Tools the one in the picture about 1/2 of these are new which I paid $5. Some of the most mind boggling deals I have stumbled on was a truck load of  2x4 which I paid $2 for. Watch for my post on items that I have found and re purpose. So fire up the coffee pot, grab your shoes and have a great adventure at the yard sales.