Today is one of those Goodness what next days. Our day started out with a Blaring Alarm which was alerting us to sever weather. It is 4:30am, dead asleep and I fly out of bed to try to catch that thing before everyone else woke up. It didn't work instead what happened. Dog started barking, I wiped out the dinning room chairs and the table the alarm was sitting on. Hubby came flying out catching his foot in a blanket and wiping out what ever I didn't wipe out in the process. By the time the alarm was shut off and we were wide awake and after we got our bearings it was quit a sight and of course it started a course of laughter. My wonderful hubby turns to me and said Well Guess God wanted us wide awake this morning.
I tell you after yesterday and this morning I am not sure what today would hold for us. I am going to try to make bread again and this will be with a lot of Prayer after yesterday. Yesterday I started my bread around 11:30 in my bread machine, so we can have some for lunch. Oh boy, 15min after I started it the power went off, then came on and then off. So needless to say the bread really didn't turn out to well at all.
Since we were up this morning we decided to get a jump start on cleaning, Goodness you think we would learn. Well washer decided to throw a fit and didn't want to work after some man handling and dissembling it and chewing the silly thing out. I finally got it working. I may of been a sight for the funny this morning standing in my Mickey mouse PJ's talking to a washer and God...yes that is right talking to it and then yelling at it as long as it don't talk back I think I am ok.....
Here is what this conversation ended up being
You Know God if this is your humor, I sure hope you are getting a bucket of it.
Now Mister washer you better smarten up or you going to regret it.
You better spin, Spin Dude NOW...grrr I told u to spin not gurgle
Alright God Get this machine going or I am going to beat it.
(By now I have the tools and starting to take it apart)
Dude... I told u to do something now I have to take you apart and I am not enjoying this at all.
After some wrangling, banging, clunking and tinkering and the whole time I am mumbling. I fimally got that thing working.
Any hooo, I am sure God was sitting up there just a laughing, I know my hubby was.
Then of all things I sit down and open my devotion and what is staring at me....
Dear Lord, Please forgive me for the times that I’ve wandered from Your plan for me and given into temptation. Teach me Your ways. Lead me to make choices that bring You glory and that allow me to experience the life You intended for me to live. In Jesus’s name, amen.
I sure love that part allow me to experience life you intended for me. Oh I am in trouble and this day just started.......