Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A walking Nightmare

  I seriously think when someone needs a good laugh that is me. Yesterday was one of those OH my GOODNESS this can't be happening.
It started off a great day for our walk and taking pictures.....
We are 4 blocks from Home and OH my goodness....this is the only shot I took before disaster hit us.
Right at the end of this block a dog a bull dog of all things came out of now where. Needless to say he wasn't scared of my growling short stuff fur ball. What happened he became WAY to FRIENDLY.
That silly bull dog caught my foot and down I went into the water puddle, when I went down peppie had decided he need to get near k and wrapped his leash around her. In doing so Down she went into the water puddle.  After untangling our selves and being wet and cold...We started to take off for home though that silly bull dog wouldn't go away and leave us alone.

So the entire walk home it consist of one over friendly bull dog tripping me, our dog catching k and us landing either in water puddles or snow banks the entire walk home, mind you this is 4 blocks to home.  By the time we get home, we are chattering up a storm, wet and FREEZING. Let me tell you trying to get a wet, cold, chattering kid undress as you are wet, cold, shaking and chattering is hoot in itself.  Needless to say we decided that the best thing for us for the rest of the afternoon and the safest was drinking hot chocolate and watching a movie. All thanks to a over friendly bull dog. What a walk....