Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Please Read-Stop SOPA

I normally do not post politically stuff though this concerns me as much as it should for you.  I am sure you have read the headlines today or started to see black out boxes. Many major websites have shut down in response to the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill.  Under the current wording of SOPA and PIPA, websites could potentially be blacklisted from search engines, advertising networks and Internet Service Providers via court order.   Your favorite websites (think Youtube, Tumblr, Wikipedia) might get penalized, blacklisted or even shut down due to a copyright infringement lawsuit.
Not only your favorite websites will be blocked though Blogs like mine will be shutdown   There are lots of great articles on this subject on the news today, but here is one on CNN if you wish to read further.
Help stop this bill and tell your congressman to vote NO on PIPA and SOPA.  It takes seconds. Thanks!