Friday, January 20, 2012

Oh when we look like fools!!

So I had one of those days that I must of looked like a fool, alright was a fool. These are days you really want a do over.  Today we had a new phone line installed and just when they need to talk to me. Guess what I am doing...Yelling at a machine who just ate my coupons. Yep, very nice and then my lovely little 4yr old informs the phone tech, mister you may want to wait, mommy is busy yelling at a machine, it ate coupons.  So after composing myself to some degree dealt with phone tech, after that I started the washer and then I hear thump, thump, rattle. So here I am hollering at another dumb machine and as I turn around there was the phone tech getting ready to knock, just bellowing over with laughter.  Then he says, "We are having a Lovely day aren't we?"  I piped up, "oh it is a beautiful day to sing a song to the machines."
Then if I didn't feel dumb already my lovely little k pipes up, Mommy you feeling better if not I think we need to pray, machines need help and God needs to teach manners. After the whole lovely show I decided it was time to just head out of the house and regroup. What a day that has become and thank you for the memories of me looking a like a fool today.