Thursday, January 19, 2012

A little peek in my schedule.


  I used to shop out of desperation, now I shop for fun.  Oh I can see your face looking at me going, Oh Really, Please. My world I am seriously lucky to be out of PJ's by 9:30 a.m. and honestly sometimes I have ended up half dress heading out the door, then I hear a little girl say, Mommy I ain't going with you!" I inquiry Why (dumb question to ask). She replies, "You need to get dressed." This is what I am dealing with for the next 6 months-renovation of a garage and a house, a cross country trip to Canada, besides the everyday fun we have with schooling, keeping up with house chores, keeping up with a 4yr old and her activities, seriously lucky to know where I am for that day.
 Thankfully I have inquired a system where I can start accomplishing things in a timely matter. One of which is my shopping. I blog in between everything though mainly in morning or late evening.  I thought it would be a nice little break to see what my coupon schedule is.  For starters my daughter is taught at home, so I have worked couponing into her lessons. So couponing for me has more less turned into a family adventure and when I shop and then come home to put away it is all hands on deck. So on that note here is a peek for the week.

Monday my daughter and I head out to Walmart before 9am, armed with meat and bread coupons, looking for mark down meats and dairy bread.  When k and I get home it is divide and conquere everything is sorted and then broken into baggies and thrown in the freezer.  This is also day we  practices cutting coupons, yep I know a 4yr old slicing, dicing coupons...needless to say Thank goodness you can stock up on scotch tape and not be broke from it

Tuesday we break from couponing
Wednesday morning we head out before 8 a.m. to Sunmart, we are armed with dairy coupons. 
  The reason is they mark down a lot of the dairy products on this day with a bright orange sticker on them and you can stack these items with coupons.  My little gal loves looking for these stickers then she takes her coupons and matches it to the item. We will also raid the markdown basket for produce early morning is best time to snag for produce markdowns. Again we get home and we divide everything into baggies and into the freezer.

Thursday we break from couponing, we may take a hour to sort coupons if need to be. 
Friday at 3pm we head to the store to snag Journal Advocate papers for inserts, Then we go home and sort them in piles and file. 

Thurs-Sat-I will choose which day to do the Bulk of grocery shopping. Through out the week I have compiled a word document of list of items I want to get or I want to check prices on. 

Sunday-head to the store at 7am for papers (actually my hubby is sweetie on this, he does this for me) before church and then after church and later that afternoon as a family we will sort all the inserts and maybe start cutting a few.